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Founded in 1858
A Christian, Co-Educational, Day-cum-Residential School
Welcome to our online classes
Please Note
1) Effective 28th Feb 2022 there will be ONLY physical classes for class 1 to 10 and all online classes will be stopped
2) Effective 1st March 2022 there will be ONLY physical classes for class 11 and 12 and all online classes will be stopped
These are some General Instructions both to Parents and Students
1. Please ensure that your child has access to either a Mobile phone/ Tablet / Desktop or a Laptop. All devices must have internet connection with reasonable speed.
2. Please download Zoom from for Windows or Mac Desktop / Laptop. For Android based mobile phones and tablets you can download the Zoom app from Play store and for iPhone or iPad from Appstore.
3. Parents as far as possible we recommend that you please supervise your child when attending classes at home.
4. Since this is being conducted online please note if the child is involved in any cyber bullying (taking Screen Shots of Students, Switching off video, Disturbing the Class, Sharing login details with other Schools etc ) necessary disciplinary action will be taken including not allowing the student to attend any further online classes.
5. The students video must be switched on at all time and the Screen name must be that of the student. (Instructions to do this will be shared in the first class)
6. All homework to be completed by the child and initialled by the Parent. All homework will be checked when the child returns to School and marks for the same will be awarded towards exams.
7. Dress Code for attending online Classes: Class 1,11 & all new admissions only formal clothes: Class 2 to 10 to be seated in uniform. Class 12 in track suits. Once Uniform is distributed to all, please be seated in uniform.
8. The online class schedule will be as follows
Classes 1 to 12 : Online classes will start on 2nd June 2021.
9. Please WhatsApp the following number if you have any Concerns +91 7904210174.
10. Given below is the Class wise ( you will need to check the class based on the academic year 2021-2022) Time table and the Zoom meeting ID for your classes. The password will be sent separately by SMS / WhatsApp. Please check this page regularly for updates. This is only for a bonafide student of Stanes School Coonoor. Criminal action will be taken against any one else trying to login in or use any of the content.
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